Saturday, July 17, 2010

It’s a part of everyday life, something every human being does on a regular basis. Granted, some are much better at the concept than others, but nonetheless, we all wait. In fact, it could be said, that at any given point in time, we are all waiting for something.

Children wait for play time or for the day when desert is the main course at every meal.
Some wait to win the lottery.
Others wait for love.
Stockbrokers wait for the economy to turn around.
Students wait for school to get out, mothers wait for school to begin.
We all wait in lines at the grocery store, at red lights, for pigs to fly.

You name it...we wait for it.
All humans are subject to the 'waiting game.'

But what about waiting on the Lord? Do we wait on Him too, or do we expect instant gratification when it comes to spiritual matters?
As my college search has commenced, the Holy Spirit has undeniably been convicting me about my unwillingness and apprehensiveness to be still and patiently wait on the Lord’s timing. He knows my heart and is fully aware that I would love nothing more than to have the ‘writing on the wall’ type of certainty throughout this process, but that is not God’s ‘style,’ if you will. However, there is endless beauty in that, because if God worked in such ways all the time, there would be no need for faith, prayer, or trust that the Lord will reveal His plans, on His watch.

Do you, too, find it difficult to wait on the Lord at times? Well, thank goodness I am not alone.
Luckily, one of the endless plus sides of following an omniscient God is that He anticipates and equips us for our areas of struggle.
For instance, Psalm 37:7 makes God’s instructions crystal clear as it instructs us to, “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him.”
Or how about Psalms 27:14, “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord,” you see, God wants us to find strength in knowing that it will all come together, when He is ready to reveal His plan, and he will! We must, you guessed it, simply wait.

It is easier said than done, no doubt. Luckily though, unlike those who are waiting for that winning lotto number, God has given us the assurance that He will direct our paths, He will answer us when we call, He will provide, and He will do it at the perfect time.

So, as I am learning to do, may I encourage you to “be strong and take heart” as you wait for the Lord. He is so worth our patience!

A Voice For The Homeless

     Writing is something very near and dear to my heart. 
I'm very amateur, still very unsure of myself in this area sometimes, but I have a passion to learn, develop, and grow as a writer.

     My dream is to one day write something that will change someone. Yes, even if it is just one person, I will be more than ecstatic. In fact, I often wonder if some of the tests I have recently experienced are avenues that I will one day write about and hopefully help another through.

   However, for now, I have a lot to learn : ) Therefore, I began searching for an internship at the beginning of the summer  and through what I consider to be a total 'God Thing' was connected with Speak Up Magazine. One thing lead to another and I now have the great privilege of being an intern with the local street magazine in Charlotte.

    The faith of the couple, Lana and Matt Shaw, who began Speak Up Mag is of such a high caliber that I am consistently stunned. The mission of Speak Up is to provide "a voice for the homeless" through a publicized, monthly magazine. One of the most interesting aspects of Speak Up is that the job of issuing the magazine will be given to the homeless members of our community, which will then in turn provide them with an opportunity to acquire a "livable income."

     I am currently working on a series highlighting the issue of homelessness amongst children in Charlotte. The need is so great, as I am learning. My heart has been burdened since beginning the series, for the children within my own community who survive day to day without a place to call home. (I have posted one short piece about the series on the Speak Up Blog - found on the website linked below).

Also, here is a video of Mr. & Mrs. Shaw where you get to hear them explain Speak Up and share their hearts:


To speak up for the voiceless, defend the defenseless, stand up for the destitute and reach out to the needy.


To combat regional homelessness through jobs and advocacy for the homeless and by educating and inspiring the non-homeless public.

I invite you to read more about Speak Up and maybe even get involved, if you feel led.
The Speak Up Mag website can be found here:

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

But...It's Only 8 Hours.

The title of this blog came about during a conversation my sweet mother and I had just this month. As I proposed the idea of touring Samford University, red flags went up for her at the thought of "her baby girl living all the way in Alabama." My point of reasoning, unbelievably week in hindsight, was "True,'s only 8 hours from home, mom."
If that doesn't get you off to a good start, I don't know what would, right? Wrong!
After some discussion, and better tactics on my part, we decided to attend the Summer Conference for Prospective Students at Samford University, which will be taking place this weekend!!!!
It goes without saying that I am thoroughly excited, but I have also had to take a step back and look at the big picture. As much as I may love everything I know about Samford, a church I found 15 minutes away from campus, and the list goes on, God is the one with the preordained, perfect plan for not only college, but my entire life. The last thing I want to do is get so far ahead of myself that I cannot hear Him speak and I miss out on any part of that.
So, as thrilled as I may be for the visit, my prayer is no longer that Samford live up to my expectations and that I absolutely fall in love with it this weekend. 
Rather, I simply ask God that He would speak. Move in my life. Make Himself real, especially in this situation, and that the desires of my heart would match His accordingly.
Whether it be Samford, LU, Chapel Hill, Elon, name it, I yearn to follow God's "good, pleasing, and perfect will," for my life.

Above all else, thus far, I have realized that I must "be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him" (Psalms 37:7). Not only concerning the college searching process, but life in general. I truly believe learning how to truly be still in God's presence will be an invaluable lifelong lesson.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Prayers For the Faithful

Still being obsessed with reading as ever, I am so thankful to have summer to dedicate an unruly amount of time to being a 'book worm.' Just in case you ever find yourself in search of a great devotional, let me offer a recommendation :)

A great friend, former teacher, and mentor of mine, Mrs. Andrea Davis, recently gave me my favorite type of gift. You guessed it! A book.
'Prayers for the Faithful' by Mary Ann Bridgwater has since then captivated moments of my time daily as I walk through this great tool, and what I consider to be a teaching guide.

 This book has taught me so much about how to pray specifically for missionaries, and to prepare myself for life in the ministry. It's practical, simplistic yet deep, and powerful.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independence Day

With a year of AP U.S. History under my belt, and test results still pending, Independence Day held a little more meaning than just simply fireworks and cookouts this year. I've actually found that to be the case with many things now that I have spent an unruly amount of time attempting to learn the ins and outs of American History. 
I believe my friends and I have fallen into what I consider a really fun tradition. This is the second year in a row we headed out for fireworks at the Harrisburg Park. The music selection never fails to be...entertaining, every type of food your heart could possibly desire can definitely be found, and if you're a people watcher like me...there's certainly not a dull moment. All in all, I consider it a great way to celebrate the 4th!
My Chapel Hill Bound Buddy!
Miss Kaylaaa Hampton :)
These two...will have their own television show one day!
The Bible Study girls & I hanging out during our 4 hour wait for the fireworks!
So glad to have Miss. Hannah back in America :)
Some of the gang.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Here's My Heart Lord...

This song never fails to move me...


Maybe you can recall the process of college searching from personal experience, maybe you have a child, friend, cousin ...anyone (?), who just took on the endeavor. 

Either way, let me tell you, without the Lord's guidance, I'm not sure how anyone keeps their sanity throughout the process.
After opening envelope after envelope in the mail, reading a million websites, taking one too many virtual tours, etc. all of the colleges in America begin to blur into one.
However, despite it all, "the peace of God, which transcends all understanding," has continued to guard my heart, soul, and mind. [Philippians 4:4-7]

He's done even more than that though. The Lord is using this experience to challenge me to mature in my relationship with Him. 
In talking with a friend from one of my favorite schools so far, Samford University in Alabama, I was connected with a local church in Alabama that has blown me away.
The Church at Brook Hills has that 'something,' that leads to amazing things for the Kingdom of the Lord.
After having begun to read the Pastor, David Platt's, latest book, Radical,
 I have been convicted, changed, and enlightened possibly more so with this book than any other, with the exception of the Bible of course.
I'm only about half way through because I keep going back and just responding with "wow."

I would encourage you to go and buy this book...immediately : )
(or if you're really a go - getter...order it off Amazon!)
It is money well spent and the return is a million times worth the investment. 

The Church at Brook Hills is located about 15 minutes away from Samford's campus,
and I told the God this morning during my QT that "although I would absolutely go wherever the Lord is calling me, I would certainly not mind sitting under the teaching of David Platt and fellowshipping with the Church at Brook Hills on a weekly basis." 
We'll see what He has in store =]
PS - Good news! 
I do have a 'top 8' list now. Which, if you consider the vast number of colleges in this country, is pretty good!

Lights...Camera...Bella Zu

Growing up...I was always such a ham when it came to having my picture taken, being videotaped, acting, you name it!
If I was being honest though, I'm not sure I ever quite grew out of that completely : )
Although, I can honestly say I'd much rather be behind, rather than in front, of a camera nowadays. 
Recently though, I came across a website that caught my eye ( It was a photography company that happened to be located locally, Bella Zu Photography. They also happened to be looking for Senior Representatives to apply to have their Senior Portraits done.
I happened to be interested.
A lot of happenings later...and after spending about 4+ hours shooting with two of the sweetest and most talented women you'll ever meet, Gail & Charity, they managed to pull some good shots out of me. Told ya they are talented ; )
Today, I received some of the 300 images shot that day and I decided to share a few.
If you are looking to have any type of portraits done...senior pictures, family pictures, baby pictures, 'I look good so I should have my picture taken' - pictures, I would honestly and confidently recommend Bella Zu Photography. 
They are a pleasure to be around and I look forward to continuing to work with them!
Check Bella Zu out on the web sometime if you get a chance!
"They are so not Walmart"...hahaha.