My name is Jordan and I'm currently 16, going on 25 according to my mom, and a Junior at Hickory Grove Baptist Christian School. I'm definitely not naive to the fact that most 16 year old teenage girls do not spend their time blogging away on the Internet. However, as I am so often told, most of my interests are not typical for people my age. In fact, my friends joke that my interests are more paralleled to that of a "grandmother" than a teenager, and if I was honest with myself I'm not sure I could completely deny them of their claim.
My blogging journey didn't begin for any particular reason, but instead more of a compilation of reasons. For starters, just to be honest, I haven't seen the light of day for over a week now due to the flu and boredom is threatening my life. Second, I love to write and more importantly I love to read, because I learn so much from others when they can speak without interruption. I am no Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, or even Doctor Seus, but rather; I am an admirer of authors. I figure the only way to improve my writing ability is by doing just that. My third point of reasoning would be that I have never held myself accountable for journaling as well as I have hoped and I'm thinking that blogging might work in my favor. I love going through my mom's old notes, yearbooks, and even day-planners from high school because I feel like, even if just for a moment, I am there with her. It seems more real than just hearing bits and pieces of stories. I suppose I would love for this to become my account of my journey through these upcoming years of life, something to look back and reflect on, but most importantly to help me remember, even the smallest of details. Maybe this blog can also be my mom, friends, and other family's way of feeling as if though they were with me through all the memories. Lastly, it is my prayer that this new decade will be a time of growth for me, that I will grow to be more and more in love with my Savior everyday, a more loving daughter, sister, and grandaughter, a better friend, and a stronger person. Hopefully anyone who reads or follows this blog can then too observe that growth, development, and change occurring in me. It is my prayer that this blog can also therefore be used as my testimony to whomever stumbles across it.
I must put my disclaimer out there: Much like myself, this blog will probably become more filled with random blurbs than structured series.
Whatever the product may be, here it goes...
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