I saw it in the hands lifted.
I saw it in the triangles of believers praying.
I saw it in the boy with his face flat on the floor.
I saw it in the girl crying out.
I saw it in the people compelled to journal.
I saw it in the teens dancing in the isles.
I saw it in the eyes of the people.
I saw Jesus. I felt His presence. I thank Him for what He lifted the veil over my mind to see.
As I stood on the VERY top row of the Philipps Arena in Atlanta at the Passion Conference with my hands lifted, praising the Lord, I opened my eyes and suddenly it dawned on me.
While each and every person that was lifting praise was doing it to honor the very same God, He is still so intimately involved in each life. He is enormous, yet personal. Omnipotent, yet gentle. Omniscient, yet compassionate. To be feared, yet gentle. Ahh! I cannot fathom the depths of Him who saved me. Him who I love. Him who I vow to serve with my life.
As I reflected on the ways that He has intricately woven together the events of my life, day in and day out, I was stunned to realize He was doing the VERY same thing for each and every other person that my glimpse caught. He thinks thoughts towards all of us. He treasures us.
Oh, how He loves us.
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