Sunday, February 13, 2011

In Summary


I love it. I tire from it. I thank the Lord for it.

The month of January and thereafter has proven to be the most hectic, yet amazing, and formative time of my life. It would take ample time to recount all that has occurred over the days that have passed since Passion, Christmas break, et cetera but there are a few high points I simply must hit.

I was reminded of God's many blessings to me as I have had the oppurtunity to reconnect with so many of my precious friends who have already entered the college 'chapter' of their life. We have shared so many memories lately and there is much more joy to be had. Most recently, we had the pleasure of celebrating the engagement of two of our best :) Alyssa and Richard! They have set a date in August and we are all currently basking in the fun that comes along with planning. The other weekend, Alyssa took all of her bridesmaids to one of the most fun days of my life...bridesmaids dress shopping! Ahh what excitement. God has given me the greatest girl friends that I could have ever asked for. Thank you, Lord.

Then! There was the Dominican Trip which call for many seperate blog posts that will soon be coming :)  May I just say though that God rocked my world that week and things have not been the same since...can't wait to share!

God answered my prayers for a job! Yipedoo. I have been working upwards of twenty, if not thirty hours, a week lately (hence the lack of blog posts). However, ironically enough, the Lord has shown me so many lessons through this job that I truly cannot wait to tell of. 

: )
I had the great privilege of traveling down TWICE in the last month to interview for scholarships, which the outcome of is still pending (I should hear back in the next week or so - ahh!). God is so sovereign, if you ever doubt that, I can offer countless stories to strengthen your faith. Chance does not exist. Coincidence? No such thing. He has given me seemingly endless confirmation about this process and the  details are soon coming. Those two weekends were simply unforgetable.

In summary...I basically just proved how much blogging I have to do! And to think, I simply touched on the high points in this post :) 
I am itching to share details with you! Stay tuned for more and if you are at a place in life where you simply just do not what to do, where to go from 'here,' et cetera. Take heart, I've been there, and God is in your yesterday, today, and tomorrow! May I encourage you with a passage that the Lord laid upon my heart this past month:

Exodus 14:14
 "The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still."  
(Some translations have silent in place of the world still. Maybe if you are like me, God desperately wants to speak to you, He just needs a chance to talk.)

Keep fighting the fight! The battle is already won.

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