Today, my senior class had the opportunity to present all of the many lessons learned and memories shared on our Dominican Republic trip that took place just a couple months ago.
We cried, we laughed, we was a blast!
But when I walked back into class and started rummaging through my book-bag, I was nearly moved back to the point of tears again.
I stumbled across an old to-do list from last week.
"UGH" is about the closest I can come to describing how I felt.
As I scanned that list, I realized that very few if any things that I came across will matter in eternity.
Why do I continuously, after experiences such as Passion and the Dominican, continue to fill my time with things that are worth nothing in the big picture.
I wake up and continue to take my cues from American culture.
But why?
It's a cop out, in my opinion. Those things listed on that sheet of paper I stumbled upon are infinitely easier to do than the things Christ has called me to fill my time with, the things Christ has called me to do.
Make disciples or make my bed.
Go the second mile or barely get my homework done before class starts.
Deny myself or be consumed by my frivolous to do list.
This is only the beginning of the 'to do list' worth anything.
He calls us to perfection, yet He knows we cannot be perfect.
How is this fair? He blesses us with grace, His strength, presence, power, and so on.
We are not in this alone. So rather than calling on my own energy and strength to check off a few frivolous items on a sticky-note each day, I choose to call on the Lord's power to live audaciously and boldly while seeking after the one thing that truly matters: Jesus Christ. I want to spend the time God has granted me with on things that will not turn to ash before me as I stand on judgement day.
We are called to so much more, check out the link below to see what just a few of those things specifically are. It's an eye opener, I promise.
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