For the hurt of the daughter of my people I am hurt.
I am mourning;
Astonishment has taken hold of me.
Is there no balm in Gilead,
Is there no physician there?
Why then is there no recovery
For the health of the daughter of my people?
Jeremiah 8:21-22
I am spilling over at the brim.
NOT even kidding you.
God is good, all the time, in all His ways, He is good, so good.
Today I served alongside HGBC Women's Ministry
at the You Lead LifeWay Women's Conference.
Can I just say, I was wired for Women's Ministry.
This is my heartthrob.
Young girls, middle aged women, "well seasoned women."
You name it.
And I'm just beginning to get a vision for the vast amount of possibilities in the realm of women's ministry!
Why? Because they are ENDLESS with an all powerful God.
So this verse, Jeremiah 8:21-22.
It gives me chills.
It gives me conviction.
It gives me hope.
God gets it, girls.
He gets our pain, our hurt, our broken hearts.
He is broken over our brokenness.
We are daughters of the King and He treats us as nothing less.
Each and every one of us, tall and short, blonde and brunette, green eyes or brown, we are all equally loved and adored by our Abba Father and He is saying to us:
"Look no further for comfort or compassion, I am by very nature those things."
More than that though, this verse teaches me that as the hands and feet of the Healer, I am to do all that I can to aid in this cause, to aid the hurting and broken of today.
To point women and young girls to the wellspring of life.
This world is cruel, the enemy is real, he wants us ladies.
Mind, body, and spirit.
This is a battle.
Do not let your guard down.
Do not be weak willed.
You are royalty.
Act as nothing less.
Okay, stepping of soap box now.
I just had to get that out.
God moved so evidently today and I am just so grateful.
You know what I love most?
Ministry doesn't start after college, after seminary, after marriage, after you've "learned it all."
It starts today.
Right where I am at, right where I am struggling.
He uses that, He uses me, you, anyone willing ---
despite ourselves.
Be willing.
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