I know that it may seem like I have fallen off the face of the blog world here lately.
It's because I have.
I have discovered this whole moving out thing to be quite time consuming.
Nonetheless, when I quiet myself before the Lord,
He brings me back to the core of things,
even now amongst all the chaos, and my goodness y'all,
this week He has brought me chills like never before.
God and I have this love affair with music.
It's our thing, well that and sunsets, or really anything with the sky.
I'm convinced it's how he woos me.
He's quite good at it, might I add.
What with Him being God and all.
Anyways, I can think back to a dozen times where I've been at a live show,
listening to the radio during my quiet times,
driving in the car, you name it,
and God speaks right through the music.
Sometimes though, its far more than just a song speaking to me.
For instance, at the end of completing the Breaking Free Bible Study by Beth Moore,
I was praying a prayer that was at the end of the book while Pandora played in the background.
All of a sudden, as I was praying out loud,
I heard the exact words of the prayer being echoed.
Suddenly I realized the prayer, adapted straight from a passage in the Old Testament,
was from the same passage that this song was based on.
The two matched word for word.
Now every time I hear that song, it's a reminder of that personal encounter with God.
So this week, as I was finishing the last pages of the book "Captivated,"
which I have already expressed my intense affection for,
God moved in the same way.
Pandora was on, yet again, but I wasn't really paying much attention to the music.
Suddenly, the exact words of the line in the book I was reading began sounding throughout the room.
"I am, I'm captivated by you."
I rushed to look at the song name.
None other than....
"CAPTIVATED" by Shawn McDonald.
Insert tears here. I was overwhelmed by the presence of God.
I've never heard this song before, always loved some Shawn McDonald,
and call it what you may,
but I will forever believe that this was another example
of just how personal our Heavenly Father is.
So when you look at the night sky, at the ocean waves,
or at a beautiful landscape, remember that the Creator of all that is good,
that made those very things,
made YOU and is captivated by you,
just the way that you are.
You are His.
He wants to give you chills today, tomorrow, and for all of eternity.
Ask Him, He won't let you down.
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