When I last posted,
I spoke of the $1,000,000 given in just two days
by the 42,000 college students at
the Passion Conference this year in Atlanta.
However, I said, "to stay tuned, because we were not finished yet."
And that we were not.
By the end of the conference,
over 3,000,000 dollars was given to end modern day slavery.
We are a generation said to be obsessed with
consuming unreal amounts of Ramen,
spending all of our free time at the movies,
and constantly being hyped up on Starbucks.
But really,
we are a generation fighting for freedom,
for justice,
for the name and cause of Jesus Christ.
We are a generation that gave over $3,000,000 in just 4 short days.
That is 8,571,429 packs of Ramen,
300,000 movie tickets,
1,714,286 tall Starbucks coffees.
I know that numbers do not mean everything.
But that number - $3,000,000 -
will help to change the number - 27 million - of slaves in the world today.
So, in a sense, numbers do matter quite a bit.
In fact, the message that was sent to the world by donating to fight for freedom,
spoke so loudly that CNN caught wind of it.
However, we are fighting to end more than literal slavery in the world,
we are fighting to bring people out from under the bondage of sin,
and that freedom is found in Christ alone.
You see, freeing 27 million people from slavery would be a good thing,
but freeing 27 million people from slavery and sin,
by presenting them with the gift of freedom & eternal salvation,
will be a God thing.
Let it not be said of us that we did not get in the fight.
We are not looking for excuses, we are not indifferent,
we are passionate.
God is at work in and among us.
Oh, what a glorious, holy mystery.
We are the freedom generation.

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