Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just Believe

Have you ever returned to seemingly basic concepts of the Christian faith and realized that either you missed the magnitude of it or God simply gave you a fresh dose of gratitude. 
That is, in a nutshell, what has happened in my life and walk with the Lord over the past month. 
Honestly, I can think of no other realization that has brought more radical change to my life than the understanding of just how in need of freedom I am and just how free, in Christ, I am.
I would go so far as to say that there is much about freedom in Christ I have yet to learn, but I feel as if a veil has been lifted and the initial point of realization and understanding has been crossed.

A couple things that brought me to this realization of the profound nature of freedom in Christ are:

1. I will not feel free all the time. In fact, there are some weeks where I might not 'feel' the magnitude of your freedom 9/10 of the time.
However, I am free.
2. Freedom does not come on my terms. 
3. There is not a "higher" level of freedom to be grasped.
So I need to stop trying to be "more free" and free!
4. It is not enough to know that I am free, I have to believe that I am free.
5. Likewise, I have to believe that Christ can bring instantaneous healing to any life.
Just as the young women who had been victim of the same disease for 12 years touched the cloak of Jesus and was instantaneously healed, He wants to do the same for all of His children!
What's stopping us then?
A lack of faith.
Mark 5 holds, what I consider to be, the prescription for healing and freedom.
Christ told the young woman who touched His cloak and immediately received healing:
"Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace & be freed from your suffering."
Later in Mark 5, He instructs His followers:
"Do not be afraid, just believe." 

I'm not sure what you are suffering with today, it may be pride, jealousy, a lack of faith, adultery, alcoholism, self-image issues, drug addiction, gossip, prayerlessness, etc. etc. 
Christ does not rank sins, rest assured in that. He does however, offer freedom to all who have faith and believe.

He wants to free you today, on His terms, which are fairly simple:
Believe, Receive, Repent, Live
Christ died so that you may experience this freedom, my heart is burdened for people to embrace Christ's gift. It is worth whatever you must surrender, I know from experience. 

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