Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Manhattan Declaration

I believe...
Christians should not shy away from intellectual pursuits, political debates, and other academic endeavors.
I know...
There is a place for Christians in every area of science, government, so on and so forth.
I have hope...
That if we band together as we are called to and unite as the body of Christ, not separated by denominations and other factors that seek to divide and destroy our witness, that there are still brighter days ahead for America. However, the opposite is true if we shrink back into the subculture  so many Christians feel most comfortable in.

What I'm coming to terms with is sometimes the right thing isn't the comfortable thing, it is not the easiest most nearly accessible, most palatable option. Typically, it will take every ounce of passion and fight within you and I am grateful there are Christian leaders standing up today on behalf of that reality.

Do you want a means by which to stand with them? 
Start here: by signing the Manhattan Declaration.

This movement speaks, shouts even, at three horrific issues in America today: The sanctity of life, the dignity of marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and religious liberty. 
Divorce rate, abortion statistics, prevalence of homosexuality and its impeding legislation, as well as threatened religious freedom must be addressed! The Bible speaks to these issues and we must defend what is true, right, noble, honorable, etc. and this is one avenue which that can be done through. 

Nearly 500,000 already have, will you do the same?

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