Thursday, November 25, 2010

Yeya Diaz

Yaya? Lala? 

YeYa! That is the name of my dear new friend, from none other than...Guatemala City!
In her short time here, 3 months to be exact, YeYa has impacted my life more than she may ever know. The Russell family accepted an offer last year to host a foreign exchange student and could not have been more hospitable if they tried. YeYa truly spent her time in the States in the best of hands. 
To my surprise, the first day I met this kindhearted 17-year old, she was speaking to me fluently in  my native tongue (right when I thought I was about to get some Spanish practice in). She communicates so very well and it has been such a blessing to hear her heart.
We have laughed together, cried together, grown together, and so much more during her time in America.
Something that Yeya taught me during her time here is that cultural differences aside, so many people struggle with the same things. As she poured out her heart to Ashley and I one day over a weekend trip to Virginia, we shared a knowing glance. The very thing the Lord was working on her heart about at the time was precisely what He was teaching Ashley and I both.
Minor language barriers and accents faded away as we realized the power of our God. The God who can fulfill any and all people, the God who for that matter created all people, and holds all things together.

YeYa has taught me so much about life, she has reminded me what it is like to be curious and to not take a moment for granted, and she has taken up a place in my heart!

The next time you are tempted, as I often am, to feel as if there is a vast difference between yourself and someone from another culture, be reminded that the Lord is sovereign over all people and we serve the same God, who has created us in His image. 

Yeya Diaz, thank you for not neglecting to bring an ample amount of joy with you on your American journey.

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