Saturday, January 23, 2010

Ribet Ribet

This past summer I had the privilege of nannying for a sweet family, the Presley's. I had a truly awesome job - hanging out with kids! Sydney and Avery are the two children of the Presley family and we spent many a days experimenting in the kitchen. I let the girls take it away usually and I just enjoyed getting to watch and supply needed ingredients. There were many interesting results and good laughs.
One rainy day, we had the idea of making "froggy cupcakes" as they were called. After a failed attempt at finding a picture on the Internet we could copy, we improvised. It was certainly a fun project to try. A picture of Syd & Aves' rendition of the "froggy cupcake" is at the top of the blog. If you ever find yourself babysitting, nannying, bored, or looking for rainy-day ideas with your own kids, I would definitely recommend trying this : )

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Just Think...

Just Think,
you're here not by chance,
but by God's choosing.
His hand formed you
and made you
the person you are.
He compares you to no one else --
you are one of a kind.
You lack nothing
that His grace can't give you.
He has allowed you to be here
at this time in history
to fulfill His special purpose
for this generation.

Sometimes it is necessary and comforting to simply be reminded that God has a purpose for you each and every day. Many people, definitely myself included, loose sight of how revolutionary this Biblical truth is. THE God of the Universe has a plan for you and I; that is certainly nothing to be overlooked.
Whenever you are in need of encouragement, as I was today, remind yourself of the fact that your Heavenly father has it all under control!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

A More Beautiful You

Since I ramble about my various passions so often, I decided to share another with you : )
I love music, (attempting) to play music, writing music, seeing live name it! This past summer I came across a new recording artist, Jonny Diaz. He is a very talented singer and an outstanding Christian guy. I fell in love with his song 'A More Beautiful You' and the positive message that it put out there for women of all ages to combat the typically negative message that is distributed through various sources. I then began to read a little about his background and his story caught my attention. He dropped his career and college scholarship to play baseball all in faith. His music career began shortly after this decision and has caught like wildfire. I posted the music video of my favorite song of his at the end of the blog for you to check out. If you'd like to know more here is the link to his website: 


I am all for a great cause, a passionate person, a vision, a movement. I have come across so many inspiring causes and such over the years that I have fallen in love with. Obviously, I can't get involved with each one, but I can try and do my part, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem. One movement I stumbled across last year was TOMS SHOES. This was a cause that I researched after hearing about and truly developed a passion for. I have kept up with the movement and I'm simply amazed at the success that it has seen since its beginning. I have been searching for some ways to really get involved with TOMS SHOES and thought I would share some information with you just in case you might be interested as well. The video below explains the cause entirely, how it began, etc. etc. The link to the website at the bottom of this post can answer questions, show you how to get involved, or even allow you to purchase your own set of TOMS SHOES.
This movement is based off of the idea of "one for one." One pair of shoes will be given for every pair that is bought. It is simple, but effective. TOMS SHOES will be donating 300,000 pairs of shoes just this year to needy children all around the world. From my international experiences in Guatemala, Israel, and other countries, causes such as this are so real and beautiful to me. Hopefully I can share with you my journey as I seek to support the movement behind TOMS SHOES.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Aspiring Coffee Lover

  1. I would love to live anywhere new, not that I don't love NC or would not stay here, I'm just not opposed to change of that nature. 
  2. I don't mind public speaking, on most occasions. 
  3. I often throw in random Spanish words in conversation and I have found that it annoys many people. 
  4. I have never been stung by a bee or wasp. 
  5. I had one of those "I am going to die right here" moments when I was in elementary school: my sister locked me in our 'dress up chest' and went downstairs to play. Lack of oxygen? - yes! 
  6. I type speedy fast because I spend way too much time on the computer. 
  7. I am allergic to sulfur based drugs - just in case you were wondering. 
  8. I think the concept of 'pancakes in a can' is hysterical. 
  9. I cried when I was younger upon realizing that I was the only person in my mom's side of the family with green eyes, or any other color than brown for that matter. 
  10. I don't like to use the telephone - texting, talking, etc. 
  11. I think the Jonas Brothers are overrated. 
  12. I am bound and determined to make myself like coffee. 
  13. I love to garden and I greatly admire my aunt who oversees a garden at a beautiful estate in Charleston. 
  14. I once caught a fish with my bare hands and a 'Propel' water bottle. 
  15. After running the mile in 5 minutes and 44 seconds, I begged my mom to call an ambulance (out of all sincerity). 
  16. I was once lost in Guatemala for 3 hours, at night, with one other teenage girl - Miss Brittany Brooks. Truly an experience I do not wish to relive. 
  17. On my trip to Guatemala the next year, my wallet was stolen at the same location Brittany and I went MIA at. 
  18. I would go bungee-jumping or skydiving in a split second, but not alone. 
  19. The day the movie 'Dear John' comes out will be better than Christmas, my Birthday, and Tax Free Weekend combined, in my book at least : )
  20. I once won a free year of Chick-Fil-A at a Knight's Baseball game. That day was certainly a highlight of my life.

Life As A Missions Trip

My school, Hickory Grove Baptist Christian School, recently implemented an idea that was birthed during 2009. The vision of multiple members of administration at my school was to fill a week full of missions. The idea was targeted at educating the high school students on what missions truly means, the various ways it can be done, how each of us can find our calling, and more. The majority of the senior class headed off to the Dominican Republic for their senior trip at 1:30 a.m. on Monday morning, which left the rest of the high school to embark on the first annual Missions Week.

I must say that being as in love and passionate with missions as I am, I was thrilled at the idea. Not only was my love of missions the root of my excitement, but my curiosity was as well. I know that my idea of 'missions' is very specific and naive, if I was honest with myself. I'm realizing that missions is not simply a cross-cultural submersion for long periods of time. Life is missions, if it is lived as God has desired for it to be. He gave each and every one of us the Great Commission to be lived out everyday of our lives, not just the 2 weeks I may dedicate each year to traveling overseas on a short-term missions trip. I'm also realizing that if He cannot trust us to perform our call here, in our own city, how can He trust us to reach the world? I ask myself this question just as much as I do anyone else. 
My youth pastor, Bobby Price, always challenges the members of Kingsway Baptist to "live life as a missions trip, and live it well." I don't succeed at that everyday, but my prayer is that as I embark on my journey through this new decade that I will fulfill that premise to a higher degree. 
Today, I would like to challenge you and myself with this: let us fulfill the Great Commission with each new sunrise. We have been called, let us answer. We are not promised tomorrow, but we have today. 

Matthew 28:18-20

"Then Jesus came to them and said, All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

'Solo' Cups

1. My right foot is about a half a size larger than my left.
2. I took about 15 minutes of a ballroom dancing class with my Aunt one summer.
3. My favorite scent is vanilla: vanilla candles, soap, body spray...Vanilla everything!
4. I love surprises!
5. I hate throwing parties for myself but love doing them for other people.
6. The movie Super Size Me actually made me crave McDonald's fries...haha.
7. I am a perfectionist, but I'm working on it.
8. Redecorating my room has almost become a hobby of mine.
9. It would be a dream come true to intern for a major author one summer.
10. I have always wanted to go camping, but my family relentlessly denies my request to venture into the great outdoors for a weekend.
11. My initials spell the word JEW.
12. The Melting Pot is revolutionary in my book.

13. The phrase "just drink it off" annoys me more and more every time I hear it. May I just say, not only will your problems still be there when you regain sobriety, you will then too have a headache. (so I hear, I don't know from experience)
14. I love random and useless information. For instance, did you know that you blink approximately 84 million times in one year OR that every single citizen of Kentucky is required by law to take a bath at least once a year?
15. I have only had one cavity and I still say "it was not my fault."
16. I had a horrid experience while para sailing one summer after I didn't have my harness properly put on...scary? YES!
17. I consider myself a southerner, yet I hate sweet tea
18. One of my favorite toys as a toddler were red 'Solo' cups. I was easily amused.
19. I use to try and alter the results of my eye examinations because I wanted glasses so badly.
20. I was named after the character 'Jordan' in the movie Cocktail starring Tom Cruise. 

And this concludes yet another series of '20 Random Facts'

Monday, January 4, 2010


I recently had the privilege of working with the ever so beautiful and talented Bethany Boone. Bethany graduated from the same school that I attend. I remember often admiring both her beauty and singing ability while we were peers. After graduation, I kept up with her on Facebook and got a glimpse of her seemingly never-ending list of talents. Bethany is quite the fashionista and a talented photographer. She is currently studying at the Art Institute of Charlotte for Fashion Marketing & Management. Not only is she intelligent, kind, and talented, she also has great taste in television : ) I recently learned we are both One Tree Hill fanatics. However, Bethany's inner beauty and love for the Lord resonates above it all.
One winter afternoon, my sister and I took advantage of the great Holiday Special Bethany was running on her blog. We all ventured into downtown Charlotte and had a one hour photo shoot, with Miss Boone behind the camera. Clearly, she is great at what she does. One of the products is posted at the end of the beginning of the blog and more are to come. 
If you are looking for a chance to capture really beautiful moments with family, friends, or whomever...I would highly recommend that you contact Bethany Boone. Check out her blog: where you can catch glimpses of some of her other masterpieces. 
Thank you again Bethany!

Just A Thought

I suppose you could call me a 'quote junkie.' I get the same level of thrill when I find an inspiring, moving, and original quote that I do when I find a good book, song, or any other piece of art that fits the same description. I've found so many different quotes over the years that I've fallen in love with that I thought I would share some with you every now and then. 
Some are classics, some are far off and random, and others are elegant by personal opinion; however, whatever they may be I love them all.
"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference." - Elie Wiesel.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect."
- Mark Twain
"There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten, but I have loved another with all my heart and soul, and to me, this has always been enough." - Nicholas Sparks


Although I am a rookie, baking/cake decorating is one of my absolute favorite hobbies. The saying "practice makes perfect" is certainly true in my case, but I am certainly still far from perfection. I love to experiment as often as possible with new recipes and ideas. I received a cupcake decorating book entitled "Hello, Cupcake!" as a gift this year, and have become obsessed with trying various projects in the book. The first project I tried was a recipe called "Fishbowl" and the pictures above show my...'interpretation' of what the intended result was. Although it is by no means professional quality, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Since beginning my baking adventures, I have signed up for a series of Wilton Cake Decorating classes that begin next Friday!

Chubby Bunny

  1. I am quite the "Chubby Bunny" Competitor, if I may say so myself :) 
  2. I find the website '' much more addictive than 'Facebook.' 
  3. I would love nothing more than to publish a book one day, but more importantly, a book that would change someone's life. 
  4. One of my children will be named Peyton. (Hope my future hubby agrees). 
  5. Yankee candles are an obsession of mine. 
  6. When learning a history lesson, I more often times than not find myself turning the story into a movie in my head. 
  7. My previous fear of needles kept me from receiving numbing medicine before having stitches put in my thumb. That was one of my "top 10 dumbest ideas ever." 
  8. I have 3 siblings, one of which lives with me. 
  9. My dad played football for NC State while in college. 
  10. I once ate a piece of turkey off the floor of a Lowe's Foods grocery store & my mom will never let me live that one down. 
  11. My first job was at Little Otter's Swim School - that was short lived. 
  12. Rebeca Webb taught me to surf at Wrightsville Beach a few years back, and I miss it to this day. 
  13. Salmon is my favorite fish and Red Rocks cafe, in my opinion, has the best Salmon I have ever tasted. 
  14. I love to play Israeli board games. 
  15. I am addicted to Trident or 5 gum and am rarely not chewing a piece. 
  16. I would rather go casual than fancy most days. 
  17. My hand was once caught in a mixer on high speed for much too long. 
  18. I am a horrible decision maker, which is why I hate shopping; having to pick a store, color, size, etc. is just a little too much for me. 
  19. I tried breaking up a fight between two boys at a pool party and got punched in the face. I have no desire to do that again. 
  20. If I could have any super power in the world, I would choose to be able to stop time. That would be the life.

    "The Best Day"

    I recently stumbled across Taylor Swift's newest music video, for her song entitled "The Best Day." When I began reading the lyrics, I contemplated on some of my best days and realized how many of them were accompanied my images of my mom, who just so happens to be my hero. Not only is my mother my hero, she is my best friend and my go-to. I could not think of a stronger person if I tried, and I admire her more and more with each new day. I realize that seasons change, as the lyrics of the song addresses, and that seasons of life bring change as well. However, one thing I know to be true is that my mother's love will never change with fading seasons of life. I consider myself unbelievably blessed because I have never once had to question the depth of my mother's love for me. Now sure, a teenage girl and her mom will not always agree on every issue, but that is expected and despite our occasional tiffs, I cannot stand to but heads with her for too long. I can only pray that my children and I will share the same kind of bond and that they will know the same assurance of my love for them as I do about my mother's love.
    In my eyes, Debra Webb, my mother, is undescribably beautiful, brave, selfless, and strong. I pray that she too realizes these traits in herself, because they are unmistakable. Her most beautiful aspect, to me, is her faith in the Lord. I have watched her relationship with our Heavenly Father grow & develop over the years, and it has been an inspiration that fueled my own spiritual fire. I specifically remember her comforting words that would always come at just the right moment: "If God brings you to it, He will bring you through it." My mother never promised me perfection, never vowed to have all the answers, or proclaimed to hold eternal truth; instead, she led me to the One who does. For that, and so much more, I am forever thankful.
    I cherish the "best days" we've already had, and those that are to come. I pray that we are able to share a lifetime of special moments and memories together. 

    I love you mom!
    I'm five years old, it's getting cold, I've got my big coat on
    I hear your laugh and look up smiling at you, I run and run
    Past the pumpkin patch and the tractor rides, look now, the sky is gold
    I hug your legs and fall asleep on the way home
    I don't know why all the trees change in the fall
    But I know you're not scared of anything at all
    Don't know if Snow White's house is near or far away
    But I know I had the best day with you today
    I'm thirteen now and don't know how my friends could be so mean
    I come home crying and you hold me tight and grab the keys
    And we drive and drive until we found a town far enough away
    And we talk and window shop 'til I've forgotten all their names
    I don't know who I'm gonna talk to now at school
    But I know I'm laughing on the car ride home with you
    Don't know how long it's gonna take to feel okay
    But I know I had the best day with you today
    I have an excellent father, his strength is making me stronger
    God smiles on my little brother, inside and out, he's better than I am
    I grew up in a pretty house and I had space to run
    And I had the best days with you
    There is a video I found from back when I was three
    You set up a paint set in the kitchen and you're talking to me
    It's the age of princesses and pirate ships and the seven dwarfs
    And Daddy's smart and you're the prettiest lady in the whole wide world
    And now I know why the all the trees change in the fall
    I know you were on my side even when I was wrong
    And I love you for giving me your eyes
    For staying back and watching me shine
    And I didn't know if you knew, so I'm takin' this chance to say

    That I had the best day with you today.

    Eggs & Ketchup

    Whenever I really want to get to know someone, I love asking to know random facts about them. Therefore, I thought it might be fun to post a list of 20 random facts about myself from time to time. Just for fair warning, I would like to re-emphasize the word random...
    1. I am currently reading 7 books, or at least attempting to.
    2. I have a phobia of
    eye drops, but have long since conquered my fear of needles.
    3. I have never been farther west than
    Nashville, TN within the 50 U.S. States.
    4. I cannot eat eggs without
    ketchup. Well, I suppose I could, I just prefer not to.
    5. I have watched every single episode of
    One Tree Hill that has ever been filmed.
    6. I met
    Ty Pennington at the beach one summer and he asked my uncle to go sumo wrestling with him - on the Fourth of July. (I would not lie to you)
    7. My idea of an enjoyable night would include a stack of books + a smoothie + a library. Wanna hangout tomorrow night? ; ]
    8. I lost the spelling bee in the 5th grade on the word
    "marshmallow." And I just had to use spell check to get it right for all you intelligent bloggers. Oh my.
    9. My favorite flower would have to be a...
    10. I have spent exactly four weeks of my life in a public school.
    11. I read a book that changed my life last year,
    'Lady In Waiting,' and since then I have made a promise to God to abstain from a serious dating relationship until I graduate from high school.
    12. I am severely OCD - hence the fact my closet is not only color coordinated but also divided into pants, Capri's, skirts, long sleeve shirts, short sleeve....well, you get the picture.
    13. The longest I have gone without showering is one week. TMI? ...sorry : )
    14. One of my biggest fears is letting people in.
    15. I cannot dance to save my life, and if you ever happen to see me dance, consider yourself special.
    16.I was once attacked by a swan, or a bird of similar resemblance, I now know him as
    17. I never could catch on to being obsessed with 'teen heartthrobs.' I guess I was too much of a realist in that sense.
    Duck is the most 'exotic' food I have ever had, and I thought it tasted like chicken.
    19. I sincerely believe I would have loved living in the
    20. I miss around on travel websites for fun and fully intend on seeing the world, or as much of it as possible.
    Random, I know : ]

    In Summary...

    My name is Jordan and I'm currently 16, going on 25 according to my mom, and a Junior at Hickory Grove Baptist Christian School. I'm definitely not naive to the fact that most 16 year old teenage girls do not spend their time blogging away on the Internet. However, as I am so often told, most of my interests are not typical for people my age. In fact, my friends joke that my interests are more paralleled to that of a "grandmother" than a teenager, and if I was honest with myself I'm not sure I could completely deny them of their claim.

    My blogging journey didn't begin for any particular reason, but instead more of a compilation of reasons. For starters, just to be honest, I haven't seen the light of day for over a week now due to the flu and boredom is threatening my life. Second, I love to write and more importantly I love to read, because I learn so much from others when they can speak without interruption. I am no Mark Twain, William Shakespeare, or even Doctor Seus, but rather; I am an admirer of authors. I figure the only way to improve my writing ability is by doing just that. My third point of reasoning would be that I have never held myself accountable for journaling as well as I have hoped and I'm thinking that blogging might work in my favor. I love going through my mom's old notes, yearbooks, and even day-planners from high school because I feel like, even if just for a moment, I am there with her. It seems more real than just hearing bits and pieces of stories. I suppose I would love for this to become my account of my journey through these upcoming years of life, something to look back and reflect on, but most importantly to help me remember, even the smallest of details. Maybe this blog can also be my mom, friends, and other family's way of feeling as if though they were with me through all the memories. Lastly, it is my prayer that this new decade will be a time of growth for me, that I will grow to be more and more in love with my Savior everyday, a more loving daughter, sister, and grandaughter, a better friend, and a stronger person. Hopefully anyone who reads or follows this blog can then too observe that growth, development, and change occurring in me. It is my prayer that this blog can also therefore be used as my testimony to whomever stumbles across it.
    I must put my disclaimer out there: Much like myself, this blog will probably become more filled with random blurbs than structured series.
    Whatever the product may be, here it goes...