Monday, May 30, 2011

Time Goes By

 15 Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.
Ephesians 5:15-16

This morning I stumbled across this verse from Ephesians and I have scarcely been able to stop thinking about it since. 
Time is such a valuable asset that God has given us, but something I so frequently neglect.
While I do not believe in ruminating over missed opportunities for the rest of time, I believe there is something to be said for reflection.

What if I had used my time more wisely in high school?
What if I had taken every opportunity for what it was worth?

Okay, no playing the 'what if' game.
But sincerely, contemplate today on how you can utilize every single opportunity for the Kingdom's cause. I want my time to be spent on things that won't disintegrate before my eyes.
There is so much in this world chasing after our time, attention, agendas, and so on...
So in the words of Paul, "Be very careful."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Where You Go, I Will Follow

With blurry vision my eyes scanned the room.
I wanted to remember every moment of tonight, ever hug, every tear, every laugh, everything.
These people, these 81 people, they were more than classmates, 'peers', or any other 'cordial' word.
They were family.
There are few times in life where I have yearned to press pause. Typically, I'm more of the "let's fast forward" kinda girl. Tonight taught me that contentment is a beautiful thing. So often in high school I was not content in any way shape or form. 
As a freshman, I wanted to be a sophomore.
In December, I wanted Christmas break.
In May, I wanted to be on summer break.
As a Senior, I wanted to be in college.
But tonight, graduation night, I was content with being just who I was: a graduate, surounded by my family of 13 years, watching relationships that had been built over more than a decade.
This side of heaven, I will probably never comprehend what a profound impact Hickory Grove Christian had on my life, but I do know that God has used that school and church in mighty ways.

I never did find that pause button I longed for tonight.
Time went on and a chapter of my life closed.
But if I could look every one of my fellow graduates in the face again tonight, I would tell them this:

I want to hear that you have done great things, that you have gone far, accomplished much, fought fair and tough, but most of all I want to hear that you are all about one thing: Jesus Christ.
Love Him, cling to Him, desire Him, seek Him, and build your life on Him.
And most importantly, I will see you in heaven someday, where we can join with one voice, and remember the times we shared.

In a time when it is common to look forward to the next thing, a time filled with so much anticipation, ironically, I challenge you tonight to be content. Soak up every moment and don't let a second pass you by, because this life is but a breath.

Thursday, May 26, 2011


“This is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections.”

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Ashamedly, I got a little teary eyed making this video.
But shh, it's a secret until Friday evening 

Monday, May 23, 2011

Memory Lane

As I work on putting together a slideshow as a graduation present for my mom (shh - it's a secret), I could not help but reminisce on time passed.
There were points during this week that my carpet was far from visible due to the massive amount of baby pictures strewn across the floor.
I couldn't help myself, I had to share.

Beach trips with mom = love.
The overalls suit this face.
I always could throw down some watermelon.
CT & I 
The start.
An easily amused child.

I was a purple fan.
This one's my favorite.
Okay, I take that favorite. 
I still have little Beanie.
You, yes you.
 Going for a hike, still one of my favorite things to do.
 That face.
Loved baking back then too, apparently.
I thought this was appropriate, in light of this coming Friday evening.
Cannot believe that these days are so long gone.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Life As A Lifer

We walked into a very familiar room.
On the first day of kindergarten, as daunting as it was, this was the very place each of our mother's brought us. Throughout our first year of school at a place we would grow to know as home, Hickory Grove, we shared countless memories and milestones in that very room.
None of us imagined that weeks before our graduation we would be sitting in the very seats which we were assigned some thirteen years ago.
But this is, in fact, precisely where we found ourselves on the day to celebrate the Class of 2011 Lifers.
'Lifers' meaning each of us attended Hickory Grove all 13 years of school.
Needless to say, these people are more than peers, they are family.

Mr. Ward, a man very close to my heart, has been there for me through the years like few others. He has prayed with me, laughed alongside me, raced me in the gym, but most importantly he was the man that lead me to Christ some twelve years ago. Throughout the years I have always known him to be by joy-filled headmaster, until he retired at the beginning of my senior year.
Much to my surprise and excitement though, he still made time for the annual Lifer Day!

The day began with magic tricks, handwriting lessons, and Bible verses in child-size chairs...just like my first day of Kindergarten!

Mr. Ward also remembered to present us with the 'Class of the Week' prize...priceless!

Of course, a visit from Mr. Ward would not have been complete without a blow pop!

Then, the whole gang (pictured above) headed to the gym for a repeat of a race that we ran 13 years ago, almost to the day. As we watched Mr. Ward lace up his 'crazy shoes' as he refers to them, we prepared for the race of a lifetime =]
The girls might of given good 'ole Mr. Ward an advantage, but either way, he took home the W. 

The day was filled with laughs and smiles...

...Hugs and tears.

There are few people in this world that I love and respect as much as I do Henry Ward. He is a man after God's own heart to say the least and I would not be the person who I am today in the absence of the role he played in my life.

In light of Lifer Day, I dedicate this post to Mr. Ward, a man of God, who would give the shirt off his back to anyone in need. 
He taught me countless lessons I will carry through life, but one of my favorites was and continues to be, "Keep a smile on your face and your eyes on Jesus."
That's gold y'all. 


He Covers Me

Today was a good day, to say the least.
I love the occasional rainy day, I turned in my very last assignment for all of high school, and I am currently savoring a Hershey's Chocolate brownie. 
Yes, a very good day to say the least.

The reality of ending this chapter of my life is really beginning to sink in and it is beyond surreal.
This has certainly been one of those moments that you wish for a million times over but never believe will actually come.

My last assignment for the year was a Memoir of my life, quite appropriate in my opinion. Each student had to pick a theme to center their project around. I chose "Perfection and Freedom Cannot Coincide," and loved every moment of reflecting on the past years of my life.
While working on the project, I came across a quote by Saint Augustine that I have absolutely fallen in love with!
"That is the very perfection of a man, to find out his own imperfections."
How simple and yet profound.

Hard as we may try to avoid it, each and every human being on planet Earth has imperfections. Yet, so often we never take the time to reflect or examine, for fear of what we may find. However, when I stopped running from reality and took to the time to be real with myself for the first time, I saw the grace of Jesus Christ overwhelm my every flaw and imperfection.
He covers me.

Currently Playing:
Never. Gets. Old.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

It Slapped Me In The Face

But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.
Luke 18:16
I now understand why sweet Jesus demanded the little, innocent children come to Him and why the Heaven would belong to "such as these." The masquerade and facade that seems to come with age among Christians does not exist to children. They are raw, honest, sometimes brutally honest, but upfront nonetheless. 
If only we could all have a touch more of this. 
What is the root of my tangent you ask.
A little girl named Sydney who is very dear to me. I nanny for Syd's family and last night I babysat both her and her sister Avery. As she was showing me a project she did for her 5th grade class, she pointed out a verse she picked for a portion of the project. Our conversation went a little like this:
Syd: "Wanna know why I picked this verse?"
(Revelation 3:16 ---- So because you are lukewarm - neither hot nor cold - I am about to spit you out of my mouth)
Me: "I don't know Syd, you tell me."
Syd: "because it slapped me in the face."
Me: "It what?"
Syd: "slapped me in the face. Ya know, I realized, I was lukewarm."
As I drove home that night, I could not stop replaying this conversation in my mind. In churches all over America today, people are trying to find out what is "enough" to get them into Heaven. 
Church once a week or once a year even? 
A few mission trips?
Teaching Sunday School?
Well, maybe the children should start teaching us, because this one at least seems to have it.
There was no pride in this child's statement, she said it as she felt it was.
In fact, her response "slapped me in the face." 
Rather than reading the Bible as a weapon to judge and accuse others or to tweak to fit our own desires, may we read it at face value, and be just as open and honest with ourselves as Sydney was.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Beth Moore once said something that struck a cord with me.
"Be very careful and conscious of the things you 'must' do daily/cannot live without."
Whether or not this was the point to her statement, I took it as a motivation to check my habits, my vices, patterns, and so on.

It was so eye opening and I encourage anyone who hasn't ever to take inventory on their 'must haves' and other 'necessities.' 
My prayer is that Jesus be my one 'must have' in life. I yearn for Him to be the one thing I need a daily dose of to keep me going.

In analyzing my quirks and those things which I deemed necessary, I realized it was slightly humiliating.

1. Diet Coke. 
      I began to average how much I spent even just weekly fueling my DC addiction. Oh my lands y'all. Hence why I gave up this vice once and for all.

2. Facebook.
      While I might not have assumed this to be a habit of mine, I noticed that I did check Facebook daily, without hesitation. Then I began to realize what a time trap it is.

3. Lists/Day Planners/Calendars.
       I love 'em and I hate 'em. I would feel like a chicken with its head cut off without mine, but yet my most memorable and my absolute favorite times in life are when I am free to roam, be a little spontaneous, not follow a schedule to a T

4. Writing/Reading.
      My day does not feel complete without doing one of these two things. They are two of my biggest passions in life.

But where does talking to my Savior, reading my Bible, giving to others, memorizing scripture, encouraging a friend fall into these 'vices.' Honestly, others come more easily than these sometimes and the world has 1,000 + 1 excuses for me to substitute my time with God for.

So as I continue to take inventory of my 'vices,' I encourage you to do the same, it is so eye opening. 
May Jesus be the one thing we crave, our one vice, and our passion. 

Monday, May 9, 2011


I love Mondays (sometimes).
I loved this Monday for a couple reasons.

1. Today marked the last A. P. Government class I will ever have to endure.
2. I was able to spend time with my best friend, I'm counting the moments right now y'all.
3. The tunes of the songs played in church yesterday kept coming back to me throughout the day. I love that. Through all the darkness and discouraging things in this world, insert Praise music, and Jesus drowns out all the yuck. 
4. Summer is approaching. Rapidly. 
Graduation is less than a month away. 
All these events are so bittersweet.

I hope you were able to see the good in your Monday too : )


Sunday, May 8, 2011


I'm in love.
It's true.

Okay, so while love might be a little much. I am in major like, to say the least.
I have a new favorite restaurant. 
This is huge for the Webb family, because we find a favorite and then never go anywhere new.
Well, last night I talked my sister and mom into stepping out on the wild side and going for something other than the norm.

Although apprehensive at first, after the first bite they were glad =]
We all got the chicken salad sandwich and it was seriously the best chicken salad I have ever tasted.
Naturally we all agreed we had to try a piece of their cake, and we went for Caramel. Yumm.

I am also beyond thrilled to announce that there is a Newk's all of 2.5 miles from Samford. 

So if you are driving around, feeling a little adventurous and hungry... go to Newk's.

And there ya have it... Newks.

Then Jesus Christ Laid Death In His Grave

I was still slacking on the blog during Easter, but I fell in love with this video and wanted to share!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Prom 2011

Senior year prom certainly lived up to any and all expectations!
It was such a blast and I cannot believe it has already come and gone.

I went with my bud Will Cavanaugh, which rocked. He is venturing to Samford with me next year, hence the two of us being deemed "Mr. & Mrs. Samford" at prom. 

After taking pictures at the ever-so-beautiful Freedom Park in Downtown Charlotte, we all headed to 131 Main for Dinner and of course, Prom afterwards! 

I thought the easiest way to relive the night would be to share some pictures : )

I had minor difficulty with the flower. 

Throwin' up the trinity sign. 

This Picture describes our relationship perfectly!

The Gang!!!

Can't believe my sister went this year too, surreal!
Also can't believe we wore the same color.

Everyone at Freedom!

Seriously, it is just now setting in that this prom marked my last...ever. 
It was a great one though! 
I am so blessed to have such amazing friends to celebrate fun nights like these with. 

The Firsts and The Lasts

Today was tough.
I never thought that the end of senior year would be marked by much else than feelings of excitement about the upcoming chapter.
I constantly look forward to my first day of college classes, my first Samford football game, my first discipleship group in AL, so on and so forth. 
I forget about the lasts though.

The last time I will walk into Hickory Grove as a student, which I have done for the last 13 years.
The last time I will complain about having to find a collard shirt to wear.
The last time I will take my sister to school and jam out to Michael Jackson.
Then there was today, which marked the last time that I would ever have discipleship with the beautiful group of girls in the photo above. 

I have met with these girls nearly every Wednesday over the last 4 years. I have cried and laughed with them, grown alongside them, been encouraged by them, traveled to the Dominican Republic with them, and so much more. I can honestly say I am blessed to have them in my life. They love the Lord and as I told all of them today, no matter where in this world the Lord takes us, no matter how many miles come between us over the years, my prayers will forever be with them.

Thank you, Lord, for sweet Jesus girls.