Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Beth Moore once said something that struck a cord with me.
"Be very careful and conscious of the things you 'must' do daily/cannot live without."
Whether or not this was the point to her statement, I took it as a motivation to check my habits, my vices, patterns, and so on.

It was so eye opening and I encourage anyone who hasn't ever to take inventory on their 'must haves' and other 'necessities.' 
My prayer is that Jesus be my one 'must have' in life. I yearn for Him to be the one thing I need a daily dose of to keep me going.

In analyzing my quirks and those things which I deemed necessary, I realized it was slightly humiliating.

1. Diet Coke. 
      I began to average how much I spent even just weekly fueling my DC addiction. Oh my lands y'all. Hence why I gave up this vice once and for all.

2. Facebook.
      While I might not have assumed this to be a habit of mine, I noticed that I did check Facebook daily, without hesitation. Then I began to realize what a time trap it is.

3. Lists/Day Planners/Calendars.
       I love 'em and I hate 'em. I would feel like a chicken with its head cut off without mine, but yet my most memorable and my absolute favorite times in life are when I am free to roam, be a little spontaneous, not follow a schedule to a T

4. Writing/Reading.
      My day does not feel complete without doing one of these two things. They are two of my biggest passions in life.

But where does talking to my Savior, reading my Bible, giving to others, memorizing scripture, encouraging a friend fall into these 'vices.' Honestly, others come more easily than these sometimes and the world has 1,000 + 1 excuses for me to substitute my time with God for.

So as I continue to take inventory of my 'vices,' I encourage you to do the same, it is so eye opening. 
May Jesus be the one thing we crave, our one vice, and our passion. 

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