Sunday, February 20, 2011

Yup, He's Still News Worthy

Check This Out:

I cannot count the number of times I have visited CNN over the years, reading articles that have made me read in the face, leaving discouraged at the declining morality of America and other nations.

However, this time, I left CNN amazed and encouraged.
Right after returning from Passion 2011, I got word that there was an article about the conference on CNN. 
After reading the article, I was so thrilled, not because the article was right on target with the Passion Movement. 
In fact, I do not believe it was. The article focused more on the numbers, the speakers, the bands, the glitz and glam. 
I was thrilled because of the quote of a man who gets it, Louis Giglio. 

Louis told the reporter "Church was never meant to be an island of self-indulgence, but a missional community of Jesus-followers so in love with Him that they can do nothing else but carry His name to the world."

See that is just the thing, the commonality between the 22,000 Christ followers that attended the conference, the link between all of those who gave at the 'Go Center,' the bond shared between teens and twenty-somethings: a love, a passionate and zealous love, for Jesus Christ.

That love spurns us to carry His name and whether CNN realizes it or not, that article helped do that, because I have to believe that maybe even just one person read that article and decided to register for next years conference, maybe even just to figure out what all the 'hoopla' is about.
I pray that they come, that they hear, and they experience the Passion.

However, more than that, I pray that all 22,000 of us GO. That we take that Passion, that love, and we carry His name to the ends of the Earth. That is my hearts cry. 
That is my Passion.

1 comment:

  1. Try Fox News. They are in favor of Christian freedom and defending what we stand for.
