Sunday, June 19, 2011

What A Day

I can't sleep.
This blog post contains nothing of true importance, but today (which is now technically yesterday) was a very interesting day, so I figured I would rant about it.

1. After rolling out of bed this morning, my mom stops me halfway on my trek to the bathroom and greets me with this: 
"Your sister just passed out in the hallway."
Good morning, all.

2. I made my mom cry today.
Not the good kind of cry, the bad kind.
We were playing around and I tossed a t-shirt at her head, 
unaware of the very hard and sharp object caught in the shirt
 that would soon cause her to burst into tears.
Y'all, I could have died. I felt terrible, still do. Moving on...

3. I broke the fridge.
As I put the lemonade back this afternoon, I turned to head for the pantry and heard a loud *BANG*
I kept walking, today had been long enough already.
(Don't worry, I came back to find one of the fridge shelves - dismantled).

4. I spent over an hour reading this.
I love her blog oh so much!

5. I was reminded of my love for Anthropology as I perused the store for a short while.
Just as quickly, I was reminded of my utter dislike of their price tags.

6. My dear grandmother made turkey burgers this week. 
(sounds gross, but with the right amount of ketchup, they're great!)
I intended to eat one for dinner.
As I made my perfect burger, complete with lettuce, tomato, pickle, ketchup, and mustard, about halfway through my "burger" I stopped to ask why I was thoroughly not enjoying this creation.
I proceeded to take the top half of the bun off to investigate.
No sooner did I realize I was missing a very important component to my burger: the burger.
Which I discovered was still in the microwave.

7. While sitting for an elderly lady and her great granddaughter today, I jumped at the realization that the sweet woman was inserting her finger into the hole atop my knee in my capris.
She proceeded to tell me, "Sweetie, someone needs to buy you a pair of pants."
I held it together and chuckled later about it.
Still am, in fact.

8. Some teenager was nearly flattened as I exited the neighborhood I was sitting tonight.
As if I hadn't had enough excitement for one day, I'm waiting like a good citizen at the stop sign nearest the neighborhood entrance when I suddenly hear loud yelling from outside my car.
Next thing I know some ...kid... is running like a maniac in front of my car.
Please get a new hobby for the sake of innocent babysitters.

If you've made it this far in the post, you're faithful and maybe you have sleep apnea tonight as well.
Happy Sunday!
Rest. Rest in Him.

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