Sunday, January 22, 2012

Buyer's Remorse

What am I worth?
I ask this question far more than most people would assume.
You see, I have learned to mask the insecurities and fears that are deep within.
But quite honestly,
I question my value and significance far more than I care to share.

But over the course of the last few days,
Jesus has been revealing a healing message and 
touching the deepest parts of my soul.

It all began with a concept presented at Code Orange Revival:
"Why would you question the worth or value of something that has already been purchased."

The second this sentence was uttered,
something clicked inside of me...

When I go to a store and purchase an item,
I take it home and utilize it for its intended purpose.
I do not walk around my home every day questioning the cost of every item,
wondering if it was worth every cent I paid for it.

It doesn't matter. It's mine. I own it already.
There is no point in negotiating or questioning the value of something,
when that has already been decided

So why then should I question my value when I have already been bought with a price?
(1 Corinthians 6:20)
The ultimate price, in fact.
I belong to Jesus Christ now.
I am not my own.

And Jesus does not have buyer's remorse.
Maybe I need to repeat that (for myself included)
He paid the price and has not looked back once.
So why should I?

Maybe you are reading this thinking, "Duh! Where have you been all this time?"
Well, I have been where I am inclined to believe a lot of people are.
I have been believing what satan says to be true about me,
rather than what Jesus does.

But since I have had this minor revelation,
I also came to realize He knows my weaknesses and my tendencies.
So although it is enough to understand my value rests 
in being under the ownership of Christ Jesus.
Anytime, day or night, that I bow at His feet and beg Him to show me my worth in His eyes,
He reveals a new layer, a new dimension, 
a new aspect of my worth in and through Him.
He is patient with us.

He loves us through our insecurities and brokenness.
He yearns for His children to see ourselves as He does.
Rest in knowing that your value was decided at Calvary thousands of years ago.

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